Mud, sweat and tears for Darwin Group heroes

The Darwin Group team, having just finished the Tough Mudder challenge. There is a large banner behind them, the sky is blue and they are stood and sat on a grassy field.

Our muddy heroes returned to the office battered and bruised but triumphant this week after completing the gruelling 15km Tough Mudder North event on Saturday.

We’re proud to say that thanks to some amazing teamwork, lots of mud, sweat and tears (and a few swear words!) all 25 of the team completed the course in one piece in just over three hours.

They’ve raised an incredible £1,730 and counting so far for Severn Hospice – not bad going considering the fundraising push only started last week.

There’s still time to donate by clicking here, but you’ll need to be quick as the Just Giving page will close at the end of the week.

Well done team!

Three extremely muddy people stood in the middle of an obstacle consisting of a large mud bank and deep pools of water. The people are all covered entirely head to foot in mud.
A group of people tacking a large water obstacle. To the right are people waiting on the bank to jump in, while a number of people are already in the water to shoulder level.
A group of Darwin Group employees tackling a very muddy obstacle as part of the Tough Mudder challenge. They are all soaking wet and covered in mud as they scramble over a mud bank with pools of water either side.
A Darwin Group employee in the middle of doing the Tough Mudder challenge. He is posing for the camera. In the background there is part of the obstacle course and a line of trees.
A group of people tacking a large water obstacle. In the middle of the picture, some has pitched head first from the central platform into the water.
A group of people tackling a very muddy obstacle as part of the Tough Mudder challenge. They are all soaking wet and covered in mud as they scramble over a mud bank. A Darwin Group employee is stood atop the mud bank with his arms raised in victory.


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